
The HUMANITORIUM is at least a $1 Million Dollar per year New Earth generator of money, goods, services, and knowledge!
INVEST in our cutting edge New Earth Business, Lifestyle, and Educational Resort!

INVEST NOW or PLEDGE an investment for later. Please read through our Principles, About, Careers, and Lifestyle pages on this site before investing. You may make a One Time Donation, A Recurring Donation, or a Pledge to contribute your investment when at least 144 citizens have applied to live at a Humanitorium and a location has been secured with sound infrastructure.

We are looking for both monetary investments and investments in material and informational infrastructure. Donate funds toward the FIRST Humanitorium and you will receive recognition. Donate material infrastructure and Humanitorium citizens and visitors will be using your products and services for years to come (and they will tell and show their friends).

Currently all INVESTMENTS and PLEDGES are going through the Founder, Allison Gee. No one is making any money here! All donations and pledges will be funneled into this New Earth Business and Lifestyle that will generate a paradise for many, and our ripple effects will be felt throughout the cosmos!

You may utilize the electronic land of PayPal by Clicking this Shiny Donate Button Below.
If you have a Pledge to make, large or small, please fill out the Pledge form below the Donate Button.
Thank You so very much for Blessing our New Earth Lifestyle!

~ The Humanitorium Team, Allison

Scroll below the form to see current published investments and pledges.



Current Investments and Pledges:

1. Anonymous PLEDGE of $20,000







An Inspiring Video From Video Advice:
Never say, “I can’t afford it.” Ask yourself, “How can I?”