Plasma Technology

Disclaimer: Dr. Keshe, The ECETI Ranch, and Harmony Holistics do not necessarily support or endorse the Humanitorium. Harmony Holistics has given permission to include information and their website on this website.

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ECETI’s As You Wish Talk Radio with Jonah, The GANS Man 

The HUMANITORIUM is Powered By Plasma! Allison Gee bought a plasma necklace from Jonah while at the ECETI Conference 2019 and has been wearing it almost every day since then.
If one human can create a Humanitorium on Plasma, imagine what 144 of us can do!

What is Plasma

‘What is plasma?’… Plasma is a field of energy that expresses itself in 2 ways, Magnetical – leaving itself, Gravitational – entering itself.

‘Where do we find plasma?’… Plasma makes up all things within our known universe. It has the highest known energy density of matter as we know it.

‘How do we use Plasma?’… We are made of Plasma energy condensed into physical matter, if we introduce plasma fields within our own energy field we can alter our physical state of being. Bringing an increased sense of balance and harmony.

‘Where does Plasma fit into our current model of the states of matter?’… We now need to expand our understanding of matter. Dr Keshe has introduced us to 3 new types of matter. They are, Nano, GANS and Plasma. As with our current 3 known states of matter, Solid, Liquid and Gas, they all increase in energy density – see below image.

‘What is plasma?’… Plasma is a field of energy that expresses itself in 2 ways, Magnetical – leaving itself, Gravitational – entering itself.

‘Where do we find plasma?’… Plasma makes up all things within our known universe. It has the highest known energy density of matter as we know it.

‘How do we use Plasma?’… We are made of Plasma energy condensed into physical matter, if we introduce plasma fields within our own energy field we can alter our physical state of being. Bringing an increased sense of balance and harmony.

‘Where does Plasma fit into our current model of the states of matter?’… We now need to expand our understanding of matter. Dr Keshe has introduced us to 3 new types of matter. They are, Nano, GANS and Plasma. As with our current 3 known states of matter, Solid, Liquid and Gas, they all increase in energy density – see below image.

What is an entity?”… an entity is an amalgamation of Plasmatic fields that can express/define itself.

How does our Body Absorb and use Plasma Energy?’

3 New Types of Matter:

  • Nano – (monoatomic) where each molecule/atom is loosely arranged in layers and each layer is electrically resistant to the one above or below,

  • GANS – Gas in Nano-State, appears as a solid or participate in water. Each molecule/atom is even more loosely arranged then Nano. GANS also is a container for Plasma energy.

  • Plasma – is the MaGrav (magnetical and gravitational) field energy of an entity​.

Plasma Technology is being developed all around the world for a wide range of applications such as Energy, Agriculture, Health and Environment. We are primarily focusing our products on the overall Health and Wellbeing of all Living Beings, including plants and animals. 

Our Goal is to provide simple easy to use tools to help people understand and implement plasma technology.

*These are novelty items. Harmony Holistics make no health claims. Use at your own discretion.*